Arrived yesterday in Frankfurt. Staying in C. and B.'s apartment while they are on a jaunt to south Africa or somewhere. Met by C's friend P. who gave me a brief tour of the neighborhood and instructed me in the necessary things about life in my sister's apartment: how to open windows, flush the toilet and turn on the stove. It is fantastic here. Her apartment is like a museum with a very personal, eclectic selection of great photographs. Her kitchen has been remodeled since i was last here many years ago. Then it was like my grandmother's kitchen in Appalachia: a deep sink and a stove but no built-in cabinets, just some rickety tables and cluttered shelves. The place is beautiful now. New floors and a new kitchen. Now all they need is a new toilet. One thing is missing from the bathroom that I remember. She has photographs everywhere but the last time I was here there was a photograph of nude ball players, including Pele, all showering in a locker room.
Tiny strange stuffed creature in the bookcase...
You can take the girl out of the Land o' Cotton but you can't take the cotton outta the girl...